PhD degrees
In December 2022 and March 2023, members of the project team received PhD degrees. Congratulations to Jakub Sobieraj, PhD and Joanna Wnorowska, PhD.
Szczyt Cyfrowy ONZ - IGF 2021
W dniach od 6 do 10 grudnia 2021 r. odbył się Szczyt Cyfrowy ONZ - IGF 2021. Na Konferencji nie zabrakło także naszego przedstawiciela - Dr inż. Piotr Sakiewicz był jednym z uczestników wydarzenia.
Cooperation agreement - Innowacyjne Przedsiębiorstwo Wielobranżowe POLIN Sp. z o.o. in Katowice
On 25/11/2020, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Silesian University of Technology and Innowacyjne Przedsiębiorstwo Wielobranżowe POLIN Sp. z o.o. in Katowice. The cooperation takes place within the framework of task 1 - "Optimisation of combustion process". It consists of testing and using the method and device used to optimise the combustion process of solid fuels in grate power boilers. This will make it possible to increase the fuel range, and thus the flexibility of the boiler operation. In addition, it will reduce the negative impact on the environment by reducing the emission of gaseous pollutants (NOx, CO2 and others) and increasing the service life of components or reducing the cost of the boiler.
Broadcast on the UPS-Plus project
We invite you to listen to a short broadcast on the UPS-Plus project.
Environmentally oriented modernization of power boilers
Professor Marek Pronobis wrote the book which is entitled “Environmentally oriented modernization of power boilers”. It explains how to retrofit and upgrade power boilers in aging thermal and CHP plants, with emphasis on pulverized fuel boilers (PF). The work provides direct avenues to higher boiler efficiency, harmful emissions reduction, fuel grinding system modernization, fuel flexibility, boiler operation flexibilization, reduced corrosion, erosion, and fouling. It also explores how to integrate emission reduction systems into boiler operations. The work is planned for engineers and graduate students as well as for power plant management. For the latter, it helps find the best solution for the necessary modernization and functions as an aid in organizing tenders as well as in evaluating projects offered.
Polish scientists have a way for UPS. They indicate economic and environmental benefits
We invite you to read the article on the speech of Sylwester Kalisz, PhD, Associate prof. at SUT during the sixth edition of the Seminar entitled "Utilization of by-products of combustion", which took place on-line on 27th May 2020.
Etisoft cooperates with The Silesian University of Technology in order to efficiently manage post-pandemic waste
Etisoft Sp. z o.o. has just signed a letter of intent regarding participation in the UPS-Plus project, which concerns management of, among other things, waste generated after use of, among other things, masks and protective visors.
We invite you to read the blog post
Garden chairs made of ash from waste? The Silesian University of Technology proves that it is possible!
We invite you to watch the video about the UPS-Plus project.
VI edition of the Seminar "Utilization of combustion by-products" 27th May 2020
We would like to invite you to participate in the sixth edition of the Seminar entitled "Utilization of by-products of combustion", which will take place on-line on 27th May 2020 ( Some of the issues tackled at the seminar are legal regulations, the methodology of research and quality assessment as well as issues of management of combustion by-products (UPS). The main purpose of the event is to gather experts who will define barriers that block the widespread use of UPS. One of the speakers will be Sylwester Kalisz, PhD, Associate prof. at SUT, who will present a lecture entitled “Valorisation of combustion by-products in transition to circular economy”. During the presentation, the results of the project entitled "Process optimisation and valorisation of combustion by-products in transition to circular economy (UPS-Plus)" will be presented. The UPS-Plus project is funded by The Foundation for Polish Science within the Team Teach Core Facility Programme.
IX Konferencji „Rynek Ciepła Systemowego” 19-21 luty 2020 r.
Kierownik projektu UPS-Plus dr hab. inż. Sylwester Kalisz, Prof. PŚ wziął udział w IX Konferencji „Rynek Ciepła Systemowego” organizowanej przez Izbę Gospodarczą Ciepłownictwa Polskiego, Lubelskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej S. A. oraz Okręgowe Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej Sp. z o.o. w Puławach. Spotkanie, którego głównymi tematami były uwarunkowania prawne, modernizacja – rozwiązania techniczne oraz promocja ciepłownictwa systemowego odbyło się w dniach 19-21 lutego 2020 r. w Lublinie. Dr hab. inż. Sylwester Kalisz, Prof. PŚ razem z Prezesem PTH Intermark dr inż. Józefem Sołtysem (Prezes firmy współpracującej z Politechniką Śląską w ramach projektu UPS-Plus) zaprezentowali wykład pt. „Możliwości zastosowania biomasy w ciepłownictwie ze szczególnym podkreśleniem biomasy AGRO jako paliwa zastępującego węgiel z uwzględnieniem aspektów ekonomicznych i technicznych”.
Na zdjęciu od lewej: Prezes Biura Techniki Kotłowej Sp. z o.o. Wasylów Józef, Kierownik projektu UPS-Plus Sylwester Kalisz, Prezes PTH Intermark Józef Sołtys.
Cooperation agreement - PEC Sp. z o.o. in Pisz
During a meeting (22.01.2020) at the headquarters of Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej Sp. Z o.o. in Pisz a cooperation agreement was signed by the President of the Management Board of PEC Sp. z o.o. in Pisz, Lech Borak and UPS-Plus project manager Sylwester Kalisz, PhD, Associate prof. at SUT. Cooperation will take place, among others as part of task 2.1 Thermal and chemical functionalization of combustion by-products” and task 3 'Proof of concept' as part of the project entitled "Process optimisation and valorisation of combustion by-products in transition to circular economy (UPS-Plus)" which is realized by the Silesian University of Technology.
Three Minute Thesis®
The final of of the Three Minute Thesis competition Silesia edition took place on 22.11.2019, in which a member of CCF team, Jakub Sobieraj, took the second place with presentation named "Something out of nothing, receiving and utilization of ashes". Three Minute Thesis is a global competition from Queensland University, Australia, whose main goal is to promote science and develop the presentation skills among the PhD students.
XV Konferencja Naukowo – Techniczna ’2019
Dostosowanie kotłów rusztowych do standardów emisyjnych LCP oraz MCP
The results of the UPS-Plus project researches were presented at the XV Konferencjia Naukowo – Techniczna ’2019 MODERNIZACJA KOTŁÓW RUSZTOWYCH Dostosowanie kotłów rusztowych do standardów emisyjnych LCP oraz MCP.
ISCP 2019 - XXIV International Symposium on Combustion Processes
The results of the UPS-Plus project researches were presented at the XXIV International Symposium on Combustion Processes - ISCP 2019 Wrocław.
Cooperation agreement - PTH INTERMARK
On 12/06/2019 a cooperation agreement was signed by the President of PTH INTERMARK Józef Sołtys, PhD and UPS-Plus project manager Sylwester Kalisz, PhD, Associate prof. at SUT. Cooperation will take place, among others as part of task 1.1 " Fuel and fireside additives" under the project entitled "Process optimisation and valorisation of combustion by-products in transition to circular economy (UPS-Plus)" which is realized by the Silesian University of Technology.
"Spotkania z pasją" - Prof. dr hab. inż. Jerzy Buzek
28.02.2019 roku gościem Politechniki Śląskiej był przewodniczący Komisji Przemysłu, Badań Naukowych i Energii Prof. dr hab. inż. Jerzy Buzek. Wizyta dotyczyła, kwestii związanych z energetyką oraz rozwojem przemysłu. Na spotkaniu nie zabrakło także naszego przedstawiciela - Dr inż. Piotr Sakiewicz miał przyjemność osobiście spotkać Prof. Jerzego Buzka.
COP 24 - Katowice Climate Change Conference
Piotr Sakiewicz, PhD as our representative participates in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Pierwsze oferty pracy w projekcie UPS_PLUS
Realizacja projektu UPS_PLUS wiąże się z powstaniem nowych miejsc pracy. Projekt oferuje poszerzenie spektrum wiedzy i umiejętności, daje szansę na udział w ponadprzeciętnym przedsięwzięciu w skali branży. W związku z powyższym szukamy osób zaangażowanych i nie bojących się nowych wyzwań naukowych.
Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z ofertami pracy na stanowiska badawcze w projekcie UPS_PLUS! Więcej informacji w zakładce PRACA.
Congratulations on receiving funds from FNP
In connection with the receipt of funds from the Foundation for Polish Science in the TEAM-TECH Core Facility program, Professor Sylwester Kalisz, PhD, DSc received written congratulations from VICE RECTOR FOR SCIENCE AND DEVELOPMENT, Professor Marek Pawełczyk PhD, DSc.